Really hot and humid here today - went for a long walk and that was enough of the outdoors and heat today -- so turned on the fans and sat down to play... I am or was trying to make a bubble, but whoopee I made and Orb.. I can see lots of uses for this...But.... can I Ever make AnoTHer???? I do hope it will show up in Typepad, I have found typepad not to be too friendly toward transparent images. Now if I can figure out how to make a cloche...
The second Meggendorfer book I found appears to be all hand water colored and on a couple of the pages where the back as become detatched there are hand written notations as to where the cardboard pulleys are to be attached. I love the little eyelets holding the movable parts...Here are some pictures from this book - BYW I do not know the translation for Husdem - Leben is "Lives"...
I wanted to bake this week so made a blueberry pie which I gave to my son.. it looked tasty! And I added a couple of Fabric Cones to the Bleu Willow ....
A couple of weeks ago when I was with Ellen I was looking in a pile of old papers and came across some two books which simply astonished me. And although the pages are somewhat imperfect, they are actually in stunningly good condition considering the pile of disheveled papers I found them in that day. Since I love to collect old books, these would have been an eye-catcher for me in any case. But, lately for some reason I have become very interested in learning how to make movable art and these seemed so perfect! So, I brought the books home and a day or so later began to research Lothar Meggendorfer. There is very little information about him.. but here is something I found at the North Texas University. Lothar Meggendorfer (1847-1925) a German illustrator and watercolorist published his first mechanical book in 1878 one which he had originally created for his son as a Christmas present. His movables are some of the most complex mechanisms ever created. This book "Prinz Liliput" appears to be a "printed" book. Probably one which was somewhat mass produced it is all in German
While visiting blogs this morning I came across a delightful blogThe Fox and the Hare I think I found it on Ulla's blog... in any case it reminded me of an egg poem which would be perfect for a piece of digital work I am planning to print on canvas... Here is the poem by Z Hurston... and then you can see the artwork. "The Present was an egg laid by the past that had the future inside it's shell"
Yesterday I needed to tidy up a bit and as i was going through the cupboards and trunks I found a pile of these lamp rings - which look very crown like and a small waxed fragment I made years ago...of course, when I began to play around with the new "found" items...I lost track of the original intent and began to play with these instead...
Finished two baby books today - one for a girl and one for a boy. There are lots of goodies inside, as well... Here are pictures of the cover and first pages.. Now that these are finished I am off to complete an "Octopus" art piece for ARTFEST where I will be teaching again in April 2009 ... no, I am not teaching anything with an Octopus... that is the theme this year. My project is a small theater with little dancing ballerinas! Does it sound fun???
The Bleu Willow in Simsbury, Ct., is one of my favorite shops .. and Not just because, Laura, the owner has some of my artwork there! I also buy alot of her vintage items and great finds. Laura does not have a website yet, so thought I would post a few pictures here so you can see,too...